Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 11 in ICU

Andrew has the following prayer requests:

1. That Andrew would be able to get out of ICU today. They are saying he is free to move to the normal floor of the hospital, but there is no room there right now. Please pray that a bed would be freed up there. Andrew really wants to go.

2. That Dr. Lassig (reconstruction doc) would approve Andrew starting on physical therapy. They have not been able to contact her. Andrew really wants to move around, but they need to know that the bleeding problems he had with his leg is no longer an obstacle to that.

3. Pray that Andrew wouldn't be too lonely or uncomfortable. His parents have been with him all weekend, since I have been unable to visit since Friday due to a cold. His dad is leaving today, though, so he won't have any family with him, despite having others visit.

Thanks so much for all your love and support and notes. We can't do without it.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you guys know that we are continuing to pray for you guys and have asked our Sunday School class and fellowship group to keep your family in prayer as well.

    -Steven & Angie
