Thursday, March 06, 2008

Grace's Update email 3/5/08

Dear Everyone,

Last Wednesday Andrew had another biopsy on his neck. On Monday morning we found out it came back positive. He has cancer again.

Unless plans change last minute, he will be having surgery tomorrow, Thursday, March 6th at 2pm CST. Dr. Yueh at the University of Minnesota will be performing the surgery.

Please pray for:

- SKILL. for supernatural skill, stamina, and wisdom for the doctors and all the people involved in his surgery.

- DONE. Complete healing. That we would be done with cancer and it would never return again. That the Lord would bless Andrew with long life.

- LOCALIZED. That the cancer is localized and not on the carotid artery, base of the tongue, lingual nerve (provides taste), the hypoglossal nerve (causes tongue to move), or anywhere else in his body

Before they start dissecting his neck tomorrow, they will examine his tongue and throat more thoroughly. If either of the nerves must be removed, he will lose its function. If it is on the base of the tongue, a much more involved procedure will be necessary and they will have to postpone the surgery and come up with a new game plan. If the cancer is on the carotid artery, surgery will not be possible.

Due to all the scar tissue and nerves and things being put back in different places last time, the surgery will take twice as long as last time, 6-8 hours.

we are doing okay. just trying to keep our minds thinking on what's true and not racing towards all the different possibilities. andrew is especially doing well in comparison to last time we got a cancer diagnosis. He seems at peace and even kind of happy. he is doing well controling his mind and i think the Lord prepared us for this news. we are just trying to trust the Lord. we know He is in control and that He is good, that everything He does is for His own glory and our good.

I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are righteous,
And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.
O may Your lovingkindness comfort me,
According to Your word to Your servant.

Psalm 119:75-76

Thanks so much.


  1. we're praying for your family!!!

    -Alicia & Casey Theule

  2. Dear Andrew and Grace,

    My heart was so burdened for the past week to pray for you...I just read the news of the return of cancer. I am fervently praying for you both and trusting the Lord with you to uphold you with His strength and sweet peace. My love to you both.

    Kellie Jefferis & family
