Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Young People in Old People's Bodies

As you might imagine life is pretty busy for us nowadays. From having two energetic toddlers (no longer one little baby who will just lay in one place) and church taking a lot of our time as usual, Andrew has been taking a class on How to Teach the Bible at our church.

So, Monday evenings after dinner, Andrew studies. Tuesdays we have dinner with whoever at church, Wednesday is prayer meeting, Thursday is Andrew's class, Friday is family night or date night, Saturday night we prepare for Sunday worship, and Sunday night we go to Home Groups (Bible study). Even though we get to talk a lot during lunch when he works from home and dinner and driving to and from places, I still felt like I wanted more special time with Andrew than just date night every other week. So on Monday I sent Andrew a meeting notice through our electronic calenders that every night at 9:30 we have to have two dances together. We put on Jazz, the room is lit by Christmas lights, and we have instant atmosphere. It's been so fun! I look forward to having that little date with him all day long.

I can't believe our four year wedding anniversary is coming up this January. I mean, can you believe it? So much has happened. Our wedding pictures used to be on my screen saver until I got a new laptop this September. We used to say, "'Isn't it funny that one day we will look at these pictures and say, 'Look how young we looked.'" Ugggh, that day has arrived. (I thought I wouldn't say that till I was 60.) Not only that, but two weeks ago, when I was looking at the emails Andrew and I used to write each other when I was in the Philippines for six months, I thought, "I can't believe how young we were back then!" We were so clueless about just about everything. I used to read those old emails all the time, and they never seemed silly to me before. How did I suddenly get so old so recently?

As busy as the children keep me and as much as parents tell me it will get easier once the children get a little older, sometimes I wish time would go slower. I don't want to get any further away from our wedding day or from the days our babies were born, because I imagine the further we get, the memories will become like faded photographs. Like looking back on your childhood, and all the clothes are out of style and you cannot re-visit those times. Everything has changed, the people, the places. But I wish our memories could always look vivid and current. I wish we had camcorders that recorded in 3D and we could go back to our wedding reception and stand among everyone on the dance floor and do a 360 of the room, see what people were doing at the different tables, catch new details. I don't want to long for my babies to be my babies again. I want them always to be my babies!

Nonetheless, I think having toddlers is the oldest age there is. Because my sister is 7 years older than me, but her three kids are ages 7 to 11, and she feels younger and better than she ever has. I talk to the older ladies at church who are in their 70's, and they say their only reminder that they are actually old is their reflection in the mirror. They feel like young people in an old person's body. On the other hand, I have a 24 year old friend, and she has two babies one year apart. She feels really old.

Does life seem to be moving super fast for any of you? I know different people of all different age groups read this blog, so it would be interesting to hear the different view points depending on what stage of life people are in.


  1. sometimes i feel old when i'm having a conversation with my children. not a teaching moment, not a disciplining moment, but just a conversation. then i think, "wait, i'm not old enough to be just having a normal conversation with this child who only came out of my body a couple of years ago! i'm just a kid!" so yeah, i feel old, especially looking at our wedding pictures or from before we had phoebe. when we used to just jump in the car and go anywhere, whenever we wanted! but then i'm thankful for the wisdom the Lord has given me, that i've gleaned from His Word, good teaching, godly friends, and i'm glad i'm not as "young" as i once was... and at the same time, especially having been sick this summer, i thank God all the time for the vivacity and youth that i feel, standing at the sink washing dishes (something i could not do for a while this summer) or just going to walmart, pushing two kids and lots of groceries around in the cart (another thing i couldn't do). old or young, time is passing, the Lord is blessing and teaching me so graciously. i'm very thankful. :)

  2. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. My husband and I will be celebrating 8 years tomorrow and I can hardly believe it. I don't remember time going by so quickly when I was young and here I am, almost 28, and it has been a blur! I think often of the words of Psalm 90:12 where it says, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." May God give you and I both grace to be content with today and to trust in Him more and more as His day approaches. And may he bless you as your blog has blessed me more than you will ever know!
